Hand and Foot MassageHand and Foot Massage Provide Just the Right Amount of Pampering

Although full-body massages are among the most frequently requested massage services, hand and foot massage treatments are popular as well. Often, hand massages and foot spa services provide just the right amount of pampering without requiring huge blocks of time.

“Pick-Me-Up” Hand and Foot Massage

If you’re looking for the perfect pick-me-up between your regular massage sessions, consider quick treatments that focus exclusively on your hands or feet. Perhaps you’re having a very busy period at work, or are dealing with a particularly stressful time at home.

“Just Hands” or “Just Feet” Massages are very effective for stress relief when you need to relax and refocus, but don’t have the time to schedule a full session. They’re also great after a particularly strenuous exercise or athletic event, like a marathon.

Each hand or foot massage lasts 20 minutes each. During a “Just Hands” Massage, your massage therapist will work with your fingers, wrists and forearms.

For a “Just Feet” Massage, the focus is on toes, ankles and calves. If you want to do both hands and feet, these sessions last 40 minutes total.

Hand and Foot Massage for Arthritis Relief

Chronic conditions, such as arthritis, that affect the joints are often felt first in the hands and feet. They cause localized swelling, lack of flexibility, and often, pain in sufferers. At the very least, they are inconvenient, preventing full enjoyment of daily activities. At worst, they are debilitating conditions that affect quality of life.

Massage therapy has been proven to be effective in dealing with the symptoms of arthritis. Massage reduces swelling caused by fluid retention in the joints of the fingers, toes, wrists and ankles. It improves blood circulation and promotes greater flexibility. A knowledgeable and skilled massage therapist will know the right techniques to use to help arthritis sufferers.

Paraffin Treatments

Spa services for pampering your hands and feet are also available. These involve paraffin treatments using essential oils, which soften and moisturize the skin. Dead cells, which make the skin dull, are removed. The skin’s elasticity improves, leading to softer and younger looking hands and feet. The heat generated during paraffin treatment is also beneficial for treating arthritis and pain localized in the hands or feet. Paraffin treatments are available as Add-on Services.

The Full Treatment

To complete the relaxation experience you can combined this with spa services like the Rejuvenating Face Mask, or Body Polish. They are also popular with any of the massages packages. As you can see, massage therapy isn’t just about Swedish massages for easing muscle pain and tension throughout the entire body. You can also pamper yourself with a quick and relaxing session focusing on your hands, feet or both. A hand and foot massage is also a great way to introduce someone to massage, particularly if they don’t want to commit to a full-body treatment just yet.

Call me today at (517) 898-2899 to schedule your appointment or purchase a gift certificate.

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