Surprising Things Massage Therapists Can Help With

Surprising Things Massage Therapists Can Help With

Massage therapists can be a very integral and important part of your health plan. As they work with you regularly, they get to know your body and your trouble spots. They learn the specific issues and health struggles of each patient. He or she can show you stretches and things to do in between appointments to improve and support your health. This could include meditation, aromatherapy, sleeping positions, good pillows to use, self-massage tools, hydration, ergonomic work practices, and more.

If you are recovering from a specific injury or disease, your massage therapist can become part of your care team to treat and support all aspects of your healing. Most people who become massage therapists do so because they have compassion for people, want to help people, and have an innate understanding of the body and its relationship to pain and healing.

Many people only think of massage therapy as a “treat” or for relaxation. Massage can be relaxing but it can also be part of physical therapy or be included in the treatment for a variety of different issues – some minor and some pretty major.

Massage therapy can help with a surprising number of things you may not have thought about. If you, or someone you know, is struggling with any of the following, please consider massage therapy. Lansing has many talented massage therapists and we at All Body Kneads are happy to help you.

Massage Therapist Can Help with Many Things

The variety of things massage therapists help with is truly remarkable. It is also worth noting that they can also help to maintain your good health as a maintenance plan when you achieve your health goals. It is a good way to manage stress and promote good sleep.

Alzheimer’s and Dementia

For patients who are living in a state of confusion, a calming massage can relax, reassure, and comfort. Caretakers and patients benefit from the relaxing, meditative results from the calming touch and grounded state provided by a massage.

A massage helps bring Alzheimer’s patients back to the present and returns them to their bodies to deeply relax and relish human contact. For those who are separated from family and friends, this caring, gentle touch can ease the fear and loneliness often associated with dementia and Alzheimer’s. All Body Kneads is honored to work with your family member, friend, or patient who is living with Alzheimer’s or dementia. We use a specially formulated lotion to address the thinning skin of elderly patients and we make sure the space is always warm, serene, and welcoming. Click here for more information.


Facial massage can help keep the skin looking young, smooth, and firm. During a facial massage, your massage therapist will use upward, gentle, yet stimulating strokes. In addition to helping your face look younger, massage therapy helps your entire body and your soul. Our emotional age can feel years beyond our physical age when we experience excess stress, worry, and anxiety. Take the time for some self-care by managing your stress and feel like yourself again. Click here for more information about facial and full-body massage.


It is important to find a massage therapist who is knowledgeable in relaxation techniques and is aware and sensitive to acute anxiety and anxiety disorders. It is also important that the massage studio atmosphere is welcoming, calm, and comfortable. Nothing about the experience should trigger more anxiety. Click here for more information on how massage can help with specific types of anxiety.


Massage therapy is gaining recognition as an effective medication-free treatment for arthritis. Massage accomplishes this in two ways: by loosening up the joints, and by improving circulation. There are several different types of massage that can alleviate arthritis pain. Click here for more information.

Back Pain

Eighty percent of adults experience back pain sometime in their life. Not sure if that makes you feel better, but it certainly doesn’t make the back pain go away. The good news is that massage can really help. If you are thinking about surgery to ease your back pain, often massage therapy and chiropractic care can help you avoid surgery. But not always. Regardless, massage can absolutely help with the symptoms before, after or as an alternative to surgery. Click here for more info and a list of the main causes of back pain.


Studies have also shown that massage seems to offer both physical and emotional benefits for people with cancer. If you are concerned about massage therapy during chemotherapy read Can You Get Massage During Chemotherapy.. All Body Kneads is also associated with the non-profit Mid-Michigan Massage Therapy Insitute which provides reduced or free massage to cancer patients, survivors, and caretakers. For more information, click here.

Chronic Pain

Massage therapy is often prescribed as a regular, non-evasive, non-addictive pain management tool. If massage therapy can help relieve pain for even a few minutes, it’s worth it. Just ask someone who suffers from chronic pain. More often it provides longer-lasting relief as well. Chronic pain can cause other symptoms like loss of sleep, elevated levels of stress, depression, and anxiety. These issues, coupled with the pain, create a vicious cycle of pain for those who suffer from the problem. Massage therapists can help with many of these things. Click here for more info.


Massage can help with both a detox of toxins out of our system for health reasons and help with recovering from addictions and drug use disorders. As a massage therapist my belief is that, no, the massage itself does not remove toxins from the body. However, it can assist the body in eliminating them and alleviate some symptoms. Click here to find out how.

Fatigue and Chronic Fatigue

Fatigue is something that most of us have experienced at one time or another. It is usually due to overexertion or an unusual amount of stress and will go away with rest and relaxation. However, some people suffer from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). People who suffer from CFS frequently complain of extended periods of extreme fatigue with seemingly no perceivable cause or reason. Massage therapy can help. For more information or a list of CFS symptoms, click here.


If you have Fibromyalgia, or you suspect you do, you know all too well the frustrating pain that comes and goes and moves around. It doesn’t help that your pain is compounded by the negative effects of everyday stress. Pain is stressful. It’s a vicious cycle. Massage can help break that cycle. The symptoms of Fibromyalgia can vary from mild to severe. Some patients find massage helpful even during severe flare-ups. Others prefer to wait until their pain is at a lower level to receive massage. Your health care provider and massage therapist may be able to help you decide, but ultimately you know what is best for you! Click here for more information.

High Blood Pressure

While massage alone probably won’t control diagnosed high blood pressure, it can certainly be part of an overall treatment plan. Often times stress is also a contributing factor to elevated blood pressure–so finding healthy ways to relax and find balance and calm will help. Massage can help with a wide range of issues and symptoms having to do with a lot of conditions, not just high blood pressure. Click here for a list of causes and symptoms of high blood pressure.

Improve Sleep

The best way to achieve healthy sleep habits is by natural medication-free means. Studies have shown that regular massage therapy reduces fatigue, promotes relaxation, and contributes to high-quality sleep. The benefits of massage are both immediate and long-term. People who receive massages experience a more restorative type of sleep, both immediately following the massage and even several hours afterward. Their bodies are more relaxed, with reduced aches and pains, and able to fall more quickly into a deep sleep. Click here for more information.

Joint Pain

Massage reduces swelling caused by fluid retention in the joints of the fingers, toes, wrists, and ankles. It improves blood circulation and promotes greater flexibility. A knowledgeable and skilled massage therapist will know the right techniques to use to help with joint pain and those suffering from arthritis. Find out more.

Mental Health

One of the first things to address with mental health is stress. Stress makes everything harder so managing your stress will help you better be able to handle what life throws at you. Click here for some more things that will help.

Parkinson’s Disease

While there is no cure for Parkinson’s, research supports massage therapy as a useful intervention for several of the symptoms associated with the disease. Daily exercise is recommended for people with Parkinson’s Disease and massage can help keep the body flexible and able to handle more activity. The frequency and type of massage will depend on the severity of the symptoms. Click here for recommendations and more information.

Pregnancy Massage

Massage before and after birth can help the delivery and recovery go smoothly. There are many things to consider with pregnancy massage and it is important you find massage therapists who are specifically trained for prenatal massage. Bilky Joda-Miller, owner of All Body Kneads is an experienced prenatal massage therapist and is also doula. Click here for more information.

Scar Tissue

Management of scar tissue through massage, stretching, and exercise is essential to ensure proper remodeling of the scar takes place and normal mobility and function are restored. In general, the scar must be fully closed and no scabbing present to begin scar massage. Your primary doctor should assess your scar before beginning scar massage. Click here for more information.

Are you interested in working with our massage therapists?

We at All Body Kneads would love to talk to you about your health plan and create a service plan that can best address your issues. Please contact us at:

Business Phone (517) 898-2899
6910 South Cedar Street, Suite #4
Lansing, MI 48911-6912

You can also schedule an appointment online at here.

Can Massage Help with Joint Pain?

Can Massage Help with Joint Pain?

Do you have joint pain? Do your knees pop and click when you walk down the stairs? Are your knuckles inflamed and sore? Massage therapy can often help with joint pain, in addition to muscle pain and tightness.

Joint pain can be caused by several factors and sometimes it is simply temporary. However, some people experience chronic joint pain in the form of arthritis, the type of job they have, or other conditions. Please see our article Massage Therapy Can Help with Arthritis Pain for more information.

Massage reduces swelling caused by fluid retention in the joints of the fingers, toes, wrists, and ankles. It improves blood circulation and promotes greater flexibility. A knowledgeable and skilled massage therapist will know the right techniques to use to help with joint pain and those suffering from arthritis.

Most types of massage therapy include massaging various joints. A full body massage will concentrate on all major muscle groups and major joints, including shoulders, elbows, wrists, fingers, hips, knees, ankles, and toes.

Reflexology for Hands and Feet

Reflexology is the practice of using reflex points on the hands, feet, and head that are linked to every portion of the body. A reflexology massage will work on the joints in your fingers, wrists, toes and ankles. If you work with your hands a lot for typing, manual labor, cooking, cleaning, etc. this type of massage may provide great relief. Also, if you stand a lot for your job, in customer service, food service, and more, reflexology massage can help your feet and ankles.

Book a Massage Now

Paraffin Treatments for Joint Pain

Paraffin treatments provide warmth and comfort to painful hands and feet. First, we dip your hands and/or feet in warm, melted paraffin (like wax but softer). Essential oils are often infused into the paraffin to help soothe and moisturize your skin. Paraffin treatments are available as Add-on Services to any massage. You can add a paraffin treatment to any massage or get the treatment by itself.

Book a Paraffin Treatment Now

Infrared Sauna Treatments

An Infrared Sauna session is another gentle but effective way to help ease muscle and joint pain. It helps relaxation, detoxification, and increased circulation. You choose the level of infrared technology you prefer; near, middle, and far. These levels refer to different infrared wavelengths and heat intensity. Testing has shown that near-infrared levels are excellent for the healing of wounds and increasing the function of the immune system. The middle levels are better for improving circulation as well as enhancing the relaxation of muscles. 

Lansing area cancer patients. Infrared sauna

Book an Infrared Sauna Session Now

Occupations and Events that Promote Joint Pain

Sore, painful joints can occur due to an injury, overuse, or chronic condition. If you perform work regularly that causes stress and overuse of your joints you will eventually experience pain. Also, pregnancy can be hard on the joints due to extra weight and swelling, particularly in the third trimester.

Pregnancy Massage (Prenatal Massage) – No matter how far along you are in your pregnancy, you already know that your body is undergoing tremendous changes. Some of the changes can be uncomfortable, and prenatal massage can help!

Parkinson’s Disease – Massage Therapy can help with musculoskeletal pain and joint stiffness associated with this complicated and debilitating condition. The tremors and shaking that accompany Parkinson’s Disease is very hard on the joints and muscles and massage can greatly help alleviate some of these symptoms.

Retail Workers and Cashiers – Retail workers spend a lot of time standing, lifting, stocking, stretching, carrying, and more. These types of activities are hard to endure for long periods of time day after day.

Teachers and Instructors – Teaching is a calling, not just a job. Like health care workers, it is very easy for teachers to forget about self-care while taking care of everyone else. There is no denying that today’s classrooms are stressful places, with online learning and all the recent changes teachers have had to embrace. We know that teachers didn’t really get a summer vacation this year while preparing for shifting to online teaching. You deserve a massage.

Road Construction Workers – Chances are, if you live in Michigan you know, and maybe even love, a road construction worker. I can’t think of a more prevalent job this time of year where massage therapy could really help with the physical and stressful aspects of their jobs than road workers. 

Landscaping & Grounds Keeping – Overexertion (doing too much) causes the most minor (non-fatal) injuries among landscape workers. Excess stress on the body like lifting, digging, twisting, turning and carrying are all actions that landscape workers do frequently. These actions, if done incorrectly or just too repetitively, can cause pain and injuries . Massage can help.

Are you interested in Massage Therapy to help with Joint Pain?

We at All Body Kneads would love to talk to you about the pain you are experiencing and create a service plan that can best address your issues. Please contact us at:

Business Phone (517) 898-2899
6910 South Cedar Street, Suite #4
Lansing, MI 48911-6912

You can also schedule an appointment online at here.

Lansing Area Cancer Patients, Survivors and Caregivers Can Receive Massage Discounts

Lansing Area Cancer Patients, Survivors and Caregivers Can Receive Massage Discounts

Are you a current cancer patient, survivor or caregiver to a loved one who is battling cancer? Did you know that there is a non-profit in Mid-Michigan that provides discounted or free massage therapy services to those in need? It is not just for cancer patients, but for many qualifying people who are experiencing a hardship and cannot regularly afford the healing benefits of massage therapy and other techniques.

Mid-Michigan Massage Therapy Institute (MMMTI) is a one-of-a-kind nonprofit and their mission is:

“Helping cultivate strong, empowered families by providing supportive massage care and educational opportunities.

MMMTI logo

In addition to providing massage therapy to those in need, MMMTI also provides ongoing training and education to massage therapists as well as a community of support.

The organization was started by Bilky Joda-Miller, owner of All Body Kneads Massage. Bilky is also a breast cancer survivor and understands first-hand the healing benefits of massage. It is currently run by a board of directors who are a group of licensed therapists and interested individuals passionate about sharing the benefits of massage

In addition, All Body Kneads offers a 25% discount to breast cancer survivors and a 20% discount to all other cancer survivors. Caregivers get $5.00 off plus a free add-on service.

Related: Can you get massage during chemotherapy?

Massage for Lansing Area Cancer Patients Helps the Healing Process

Often, cancer patients experience drops in their mood, energy and physical dexterity. With massage as a supportive treatment, most of these debilitating ailments can be lessened for the patients. Massage can help in the following ways:

  1. Increased mobility
  2. The breaking up of scar tissue
  3. Loosening of mucus in the lungs
  4. Sinus drainage
  5. And relief of pain, arthritis, constipation, colds and fatigue
  6. Improved sleep
  7. Help with anxiety

Please read The Massage Benefits for Cancer Patients for more details.

different types of massage

Infrared Sauna Therapy

An Infrared Sauna session is another gentle but effective way to help ease the side-effects of cancer treatment. It helps relaxation, detoxification, and increased circulation. You choose the level of infrared technology you prefer; near, middle, and far. These levels refer to different infrared wavelengths and heat intensity. Testing has shown that near-infrared levels are excellent for the healing of wounds and increasing the function of the immune system. Middle levels are better for improving circulation as well as enhancing the relaxation of muscles. 

Lansing area cancer patients. Infrared sauna

Are you interested in these services?

If you are interested in finding out more about these services and to see if you qualify, please contact MMMTI here.

If you are a massage therapist who would like provide these services to those in need through our program, please contact MMMTI here.

Please note that as a service provider you to get compensated through the organization. MMMTI is funded through generous community donations, grants, and fundraisers.

Can Massage Improve Mental Health?

Can Massage Improve Mental Health?

As many people have adjusted to wearing face masks, working from home, and social distancing, there has been a lot (a really lot) of information on how to keep ourselves and our environments clean and safe. However, there has not been enough discussion on the topic of how all of this is affecting our mental health. Sure, we know this is hard. But are we taking a good, long hard look at what these extreme changes are doing to our mental health? And then, what are we doing about it?

We watch the news and ingest stories of people raging at each other and pulling knives and guns out over masks or other seemingly minor issues. “People are losing their minds.” “It’s so hard to know how to feel about all of this.”

We say these things about other people, but are you checking in with yourself? Sleeping normally? Eating normally? Crying more? Fatigued? Sad?

This article addresses three things you can do today to help you feel relaxed and more balanced. If you have been experiencing prolonged depression or suicidal thoughts, please contact a doctor or therapist for additional help.

How is your mental health?

It is ok, and perfectly normal, to feel these things. What isn’t ok is not addressing this added stress to our mental health and not doing something to help with it. It is also really important that we are checking in with our family members and friends. Kids are particularly susceptible to depression as school districts and colleges and universities are still so up in the air about what they are going to be offering.

Things you can do right now to boost your mental health

Are you the type of person who recognizes stress first in your emotions (state of mind) or your physical body? For some, the shoulders get tight, headache sets in, and then fatigue creeps in quietly and steals our peace. For others, we get weepy, emotional, or mad.

Related: Can Massage Help With Fatigue?

Regardless of how you first recognize stress , the key is to know your warning signs and attend to them as soon as they happen. Recognizing them in others, especially those close to you, is important too. Sometimes it is easier for others to see it for us. “You have been looking really tired.” “Are you ok, you seemed really down.”

One of the first things to manage when addressing mental issues is stress. Stress makes everything harder so managing your stress will help you better be able to handle what life throws at you. Here are some things that can really help:

Massage Therapy

A professional massage from a licensed Massage therapist or self-massage techniques at home can provide immediate relief from stress and mental health anxiety. Massage minimizes anxiety and restlessness, improves sleep quality and creates an overall feeling of well-being.

Click here to schedule a massage with All Body Kneads or click here to buy a gift certificate for a loved one who could really use it.

Social Distancing with Massage Therapy. Picture of man with dark hair getting a massage


Aromatherapy and diffusing certain smells can also instantly calm the mind and improve your mood. This works really will with children and teenagers. If your kids have been emotional, stressed, overtired, or sad, running a diffuser in either their bedroom or a centrally located spot in the can help the whole family. Some essential oils and blends that are good for improving mental health and reducing stress and anxiety include:

  • Lavender
  • Cedarwood
  • Frankincense
  • Chamomile
  • Grapefruit
  • Bergamot
  • Yuzu
  • rose otto
  • Sage
  • Jasmine
  • Rosemary

There are a lot of synthetic and impure essential oils on the market. Since you inhale them, it is important to read the labels and make sure there a no harmful chemicals and additives in the essential oils that you use. Young Living and Doterra are two brand that are trusted and used by many massage therapists and aromatherapy experts.

mental health wooden diffuser with blue light misting into the air

Meditation and Deep Breathing

In a world that is in constant turmoil and throwing 24-hour news cycles at us constantly, it is important to find time regularly to calm our minds and bodies. Guided meditation and deep breathing are two ways to still our minds and reconnect with our bodies. It is like a reset button for ourselves. A daily meditation practice, even if done for only 5 minutes, can really help our mood and reduce tension.

Some people find meditation intimidating at first or aren’t sure exactly how to do it. While there are lots of ways meditate, you can apps and audio recordings to help you get started. However, simply sitting quietly for a few minutes and concentrating on breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth can reset your mood too. Sometimes the simple things are what work the best.

No matter what you do to support you mental health and check in with yourself and your loved ones, please remember that our mental well-being is just as important as our physical health. Even if we are wearing a mask, sanitizing our hands, practicing social distancing, and boosting our immune system, if you are ignoring your mental health, it will affect you physically as well. You need both physical and mental health for a happy, balanced life.

All Body Kneads is here to help. We offer many healthy services and even have discounts for qualifying clients through our non-profit Mid-Michigan Massage Therapy Institute. Click here to see if you qualify.

Be well. Stay Safe.

mental health meditation. Young boy in red shirt and sunglasses sits cross lemeditatinggged

Unwind from Social Distancing with Massage Therapy

Unwind from Social Distancing with Massage Therapy

As Michigan businesses open back up and life resumes some normalcy, we have been getting a lot of questions about social distancing with massage therapy.

Massage therapists all over the state have been virtually meeting, chatting, and discussing going back to work and conducting safe practices. We have been given specific guidelines and recommendations from joint efforts by the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA), the Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity (LEO), the Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Agency (MIOSHA), and the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS).

Rest assured, All Body Kneads will be adhering to this guidelines and providing a safe, clean, and relaxing atmosphere for you to resume your massage therapy appointments. The even bigger news is that we have moved locations!

Our new location is 6910 South Cedar, Suite #4, Lansing, MI 48911. We are across the street from Lowe’s and in the buildling right next to Cause Way Bay Hotel to the south.

This move was in the works before the stay-at-home order was given, and the prolonged directive has given us time to move in, get settled, and make the space perfect to re-open. Stay tuned for specific open dates (tenatively Monday, June 15) and a Grand Opening celebration.

Related: A Guide to Self-Massage

Has this entire pandemic stressed you out?

I don’t think anyone has escaped this world-wide situation and experience without some level of stress and anxiety. It varies for each individaul, of course, but stress can sneak up on you and appear in subtle or unlikely ways. If you switched to working from home, your new “office” may not be ideal or all that comfortable. Your shoulders and upper back could be paying the price.

Are you experiencing any of the following hidden signs of stress and anxiety?

Frequent headaches. The cause of this can be from clenching your jaw, tensing muscles in your neck, shoulders or even your face, and possibly grinding your teeth (sometimes in your sleep – so you don’t even realize it.)

Body Aches. Stress activates the body’s fight-or-flight response and blood rushes to major muscle groups with the anticipation of some action. However, most of us don’t react by taking of in a sprint to escape a lumbering predator. Your body still reacts like you ran a marathon – hence the muscle soreness.

Restlessness. Are you finding yourself tapping your foot (or hand), shaking your leg, or possibly experiencing restless leg syndrome while trying ot sleep?

Upset Stomach. It is really common for us to feel emotional stress in our stomach in the form or pain, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, nausea, or a mild upset stomach.

Skin issues. Stress can also cause acne an eczema flare ups. When you are stressed your body produces cortisol (a stress hormone) which can increase acne. Stress can also increase inflammation of the skin which can trigger (or worsen) exzema.

Increased sweating. As if you didn’t have enough to worry about, adrenaline is a by-product of stress and can cause you to sweat more.

Sleep issues. If you are experiencing stress and/or anxiety, it is common to suffer from insomnia, nightmares, sleepwalking, or other sleep disturbances. Chronic stress increases rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and decreases slow-wave or deep sleep. This throws off the body and disrupts cell and body maintenance and repair, resulting in sleep issues. When you are overly stressed, anxious, AND tired, life can become quite difficult

Immune deficiency. Besides producing more cortisol, stress also causes the body to overproduce hormones that regulate the immune system and affects your ability to produce white blood cells that fight infection. This weakens our immunity – the exact opposite of what we need during a pandemic.

Sexual problems including fertility. When we are stressed, anxious, or overly tired we often don’t feel in the mood for sex. We also may not be able to get aroused even if we try. There is a scientific reason for this. While stress causes the body to overproduce some hormones, it also causes the body to underproduce the gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), the body’s main sex hormone. This can lead to reduced sperm count, ovulation, and sexual activity.

Anxiety and panic attacks. We can only handle so much. Sometimes, when people are under too much stress they can experiene a panic or axiety attack. These can be very scary and sometimes feel like a heart attack or other physical issues.

Massage therapy can definitely help reduce stress. It may not fix or completely eliminate all the things in the above list, but it can definitely help.

Everyone in Michigan has been experiencing a heightened level of stress these past few months. When you feel ready we are here to help you unwind, relax, achieve better sleep, and practice self-care.

Please call (517) 898-2899 to schedule an appointment or book online.

Missing your massages? A guide to home self-massage techniques

Missing your massages? A guide to home self-massage techniques

The quarantine has disrupted so many things in our lives. Now that a few weeks have gone by, you might be really feeling the effects of missing your regular massages. People get massages for a variety of reasons, including relaxation and stress relief, improved sleep quality, injuries and healing, chronic pain and more.

Regardless of why you get massage or how often, you are probably feeling the absence of your regular massage treatments. We’ve created this guide to help you get through this time until you can visit your massage therapist again. We miss our clients too and can’t wait to see you again!

If you have any questions or want more ideas, please email us and we will get back to you quickly!

Before you try out any of these suggestions, here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Even though your regular massage appointment may be an hour or more, you only need to massage yourself for a few minutes on each area.
  • For best results, massage each problem area at least 2x a day
  • Isolate the general area where you feel pain and gently explore until you find the specific spot that is especially painful.
  • Start by applying light pressure and build up to more pressure. Don’t applying too much pressure so that it is extremely painful. Gradually work your way up.
  • After massage, gently stretch out the area
  • Drink lots of water throughout the day
self massage techniques

Can Massage Help With Fatigue?

Can Massage Help With Fatigue?

Fatigue is something that most of us have experienced at one time or another. It is usually due to over-exertion or an unusual amount of stress and will go away with rest and relaxation. However, some people suffer from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). People who suffer from CFS frequently complain of extended periods of extreme fatigue with seemingly no perceivable cause or reason. 

Symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome include:

  • prolonged and unexplained feelings of tiredness
  • muscle and joint pain
  • headaches
  • sore throat
  • insomnia
  • painful lymph nodes
  • forgetfulness
  • impaired mental functions

There are an estimated one million (or more) people who have this disorder in the U.S. alone.  Both men and women can experience it but it is most common among women aged 40 to 50. Unfortunately, there is no cure, although you can manage the symptoms in a variety of ways.

Massage Therapy is one of the best ways to treat fatigue

Massage is one of the most recommended types of alternative therapies to treat the symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.  Here is what it can help with:

If you are experiencing fatigue of any kind or suffer from CFS, massage therapy may be able to help you manage your symptoms and find some relief. We’d love to help you. Please email us to discuss your symptoms and concerns and to schedule an appointment.

Can Massage Help with Detox?

Can Massage Help with Detox?

Detox is a popular word these days. Our lives are polluted by toxins as we go about our normal activity. The processed foods we eat, the cleaning chemicals we use, makeup and lotions, the air we breath, etc. It can be really overwhelming if you do a deep-dive into all the ways we can come across toxins.

Schedule a Massage today!

The good news is that our bodies are remarkably resilient. There are many things you can to do reduce the amount of toxins your body has to process. A detox also helps boost your immune system.

There is also a lot of contradicting information about whether or not massage therapy helps to detox the body.

Adding Massage to Your Detox Program Will Help

As a massage therapist my belief is that, no, the massage itself does not remove toxins from the body. However, it can assist the body in eliminating them and alleviate some symptoms. Here’s how:

  • Massage increases blood flow to all parts of a body, which can promote healing to injured areas
  • Lymphatic massage helps reduce the build up of fluids in the lymphatic system which helps the body eliminate toxins
  • Temporary muscle aches can accompany a detox protocol and massage can help alleviate some of the discomfort
  • Massage also promotes sleep which is great for your immune system and an important part of any detox program
  • Infrared mats and saunas. One of the most powerful benefits of infrared spa treatments is detoxification of the body. It is a way to comfortably sweat, relax, and purify skin.

For a full list of all the benefits of therapeutic massage, please read What is Therapeutic Massage?

Recovering from Addictions and Drug Use Disorders

If you or a loved one is in recovery and healing from a drug use disorder, massage therapy can be a big help in this area for all the same reasons as listed above. Drugs and medications (prescription based or recreational) also introduce chemicals and toxins into our body. As the physical and mental symptoms of withdrawal set in, massage therapy can help reduce them to a more manageable level. Massage is a great alternative to pain management when painkillers are not an option.

The Detox Wrap Up

Regardless of the reason for your detox program, massage therapy can help with some of the symptoms that come with your body eliminating toxins. Despite the contradiction in the medical information available, I believe that the incorporating massage therapy into your detox protocol will help you manage the process. I’d love to talk to you about your health journey and all the steps you are taking to improve your healthy. Give us a call at 517-898-2899 

Gift Certificates Available!

What is a Therapeutic Massage?

What is a Therapeutic Massage?

There are differences between a therapeutic massage and a spa massage. Sometimes a therapeutic massage is also called a clinical or medical massage . The main goal of a spa massage is typically relaxation, stress relief, and promoting good sleep.

However, a therapeutic massage treatment is planned out with a specicial goal in mind. Typically, to relieve pain or tension on a specific part of the body. Often patients are referred by a doctor and insurance may even cover all or some of the treatments. With therapeutic treatment, the intention is to improve a specific ailment or condition.  A common reason for therapeutic massage is often injury resulting from a car accident.

These types of massage are often covered by insurance and All Body Kneads also accepts Health Savings Accounts and Health Flex spending accounts.

Types of Therapeutic Massage

There are many different types of massage and therapeutic massage uses techniques that target specific areas or issues. The two most common types are:

Myofascial Release

Myofascial tissue is a type of thin, strong, fibrous connective tissue that extends throughout your body to provide support and protection to your muscles and bones. When this tissue gets damaged, tightened, or “bunched up” it can cause pain. In severe cases a patient can develop Myofascial Pain Syndrome.

During a myofascial release massage the therapist gently massages the myofascia and feels for stiff or tightened areas. Normal myofascia should feel pliable and elastic. The therapist will begin massaging and stretching the areas that feel rigid with light manual pressure. This allows the tissue to release pressure and tightness. The process is repeated multiple times on the same area (and any other ares) until the the tension is fully released.

Conditions that are treated by myofascial release include:

Trigger Point Therapy

Trigger point massage is designed to relieve pain in particular areas of the body by applying pressure or vibration into trigger points. Trigger points are points in the muscles where knots may form, and the pinpointed pressure is designed to relax those knots and ease pain.  

It can be a safe self-treatment with the potential to help with many common pain problems that don’t respond well (or at all) to anything else.

Treatment is very similar to myofascial release. Muscle pain is big deal and aches and pains are an extremely common medical complaint. Trigger points seem to be a factor in many of them.

Common conditions treated by trigger point therapy include:

  • sciatica
  • carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Chronic jaw pain
  • toothaches
  • earaches
  • sinusitis
  • ringing in the ears (tinnitus)
  • dizziness
  • A sore throat or a lump in the throat 
  • fibromyalgia 
  • unexplained pain

Therapeutic Message Results

While a spa massage may successfully relax you or temporarily relieve some stress, therapeutic massage will produce tangible results. It is based around your health needs and goals. All Body Kneads provides therapeutic massage and Bilky is experienced in both Myofascial Release and Trigger Point Therapy.

Please call 517-898-2899 or visit our website to book an appointment online.

How Does a Couples Massage Work?

How Does a Couples Massage Work?

Curious about exactly what happens during a couples massage? There are many benefits to a couples massage and we are here to explain it so you can tell your sweetie and book one today!

Note: Couples massages are not just booked by intimate partners.They can also be enjoyed by mothers and daughters, friends. etc.

What to expect during a couples massage

During a couples massage, two people are massaged in the same room at the same time. However, you are each laying on your own massage table positioned side by side. There are two massage therapists; one working on you, and one working on your partner.

The massage therapists will lead you to the massage room, show you where to put clothes and then will leave for a few minutes while you get undressed (to your comfort level) and you slide under the sheet on the table. During a couple’s massage, you can undress together in the room or take turns if that feels more comfortable.

Either way, the massage therapists re-enter the room when both of you are situated comfortably under the sheets. The two therapists coordinate their work so they begin and end at the same time.

During the massage, the therapist will pull back the sheet to expose the part of your body being worked on. At no time with you be lying fully exposed on the table.

When the massages are over the therapists leave the room and you and your partner have time to get dressed.

Couples massage is a great way to share something together. It saves time and eliminates the argument of “who gets to get massaged first?”

couples massage

Benefits of a Couples Massage

There are many benefits to massage in general which can be found in our article The Benefits of Massage.

In addition to being relaxing, improving sleep, and reducing stress, couples massage can provide a space for you and your partner to bond and relax together. It can be a unique experience to share and you will both feel connected and closer.

During a massage your body releases oxytocin which creates a sense of well-being. Oxytocin is often called the “cuddle hormone” or the “love hormone,” because it is released when people snuggle up or bond socially. During a couples massage, love is literally in the air.

A Great Introduction to Massage

Couples massage is also a great way for one person to introduce the benefits of massage to another. If your partner or spouse has never had a massage and is reluctant to try one, he or she may feel much more comfortable experiencing it with you. This way you can guide him or her and let them know what to expect.

A Healthy Celebration

Often people will book a couples massage as a way to celebrate a birthday, anniversary, Valentine’s Day, or other significant milestone. This is a fantastic and healthy alternative to a big meal, dessert, or alcohol. You can enjoy and celebrate your special day without railroading your health goals or by getting hung over. A couples massage is a perfect evening for two. 

Couples Massage Etiquette

Talking. It is perfectly appropriate to talk to one another during a couples massage. You can even talk to the massage therapists if you prefer. Some people prefer no talking during a massage so they can concentrate on connecting with their body and focus on the work being done. Others prefer light conversation. We suggest talking as a couple before the massage to determine what you prefer so you both know what to expect.

Sleeping. It is not uncommon to fall asleep during a massage. Do not be alarmed or annoyed if your partner falls asleep. The massage is working and providing relaxation.

Massage Pressure. Let your massage therapist know if you would like more or less pressure. Also, if you have any areas you would like them to concentrate on or be aware of.

Intimacy. While couples massage can provide the precursor for an intimate evening, it is not appropriate to engage in intimacy in the massage room during or after the massage. Please be conscientious of the massage therapists’ time and schedule. Many couples will book a couples massage at home so they can be fully relaxed and enjoy their time together in privacy after the massage.

Are you ready for a couples massage?

All Body Kneads has a beautiful and relaxing couples massage room. You can choose a 60 Minute Couples Massage ($75.00 per person) or a 90 Minute Couples Massage ($90.00 per person).

There are 3 ways you can book:

  1. Book a couples massage on our website. BOOK NOW!
  2. Call our massage studio at 517-898-2899. CALL NOW!
  3. Email and we will get back to you soon.

We hope to hear from you soon for your couples massage!